Appendix D.Development environment example code
D.1.1ADM Setup
This is the code of the program CRTADMENV as mentioned in 8.2.2, “Setup of the Application Development Manager/400 Environment” on page 129 in the setup of ADM.
/*-CRTADMENV------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Create the ADM example environment and import the sources */ /* to be used from the example library source file */ /* */ /* Import the sources from the QMLGSRC file for the mailing */ /* application */ /* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ PGM DCL VAR(&ADM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) VALUE(′MLGI′) DCL VAR(&ADMSRC) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) + VALUE(′QMLGSRC′) DCL VAR(&XMPLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) + VALUE(′G244358′) /* ...
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