Car Players
What better place to get deep into your MP3 collection than on a long car trip, or to switch off the endless commercials on the radio and drink in a few new downloads to pass the time while you wait for the gridlock to clear? Because the basics of MP3 hardware are compact, they can be crammed into a car stereo form factor and treated like any other in-dash or pull-out car stereo unit. They can be hooked up to high-quality car amplifiers and speakers, or to those ridiculous monster-bass kettledrum speakers that make even the best music sound like it’s been blown out with a gas station air pump.
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Car MP3 on a Budget
Before you get too excited, be aware that the first few generations of any new technology are always going to be expensive, and this genre is no exception. At this writing, dedicated car MP3 players were running $750-$1000. Some intrepid souls were creating their own solutions with soldering irons and home-drawn schematics, but that’s just not something your Average Joe is likely to do.
Fortunately, there’s a cheaper, and possibly more flexible way to go about it. Get yourself a standard portable MP3 player as discussed earlier in this chapter and jack into your car’s audio circuitry. There are a number of ways to go about this. Check the documentation or web site of your portable’s manufacturer—there’s a good chance they sell inexpensive accessories to make auto hookup easy. ...
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