The MPLS Forward Equivalency Class to Next-Hop Label Forward Entry MIB (MPLS-FTN MIB)
“Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, all must be tasted.”
–Chinese proverb
In this chapter, we examine one of the many standard tools used to manage MPLS networks. The MPLS Forward Equivalency Class (FEC) to Next-Hop Label Forwarding Entry (NHLFE) MIB (MPLS-FTN MIB) was defined with the specific function of exposing the destination prefix to next-hop label mapping for all ingress points of LSPs on an MPLS LER. In short, the MPLS-FTN MIB provides the user with a snapshot of how any particular LSR has been programmed to accept traffic and assign this traffic to an LSP, and then which MPLS next-hop to forward it to. This MIB is meant to be used in ...
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