List of Figures
Chapter 1. Discovering Mule
Figure 1.1. Point-to-point, or spaghetti, integration
Figure 1.2. Application integration with an ESB
Figure 1.3. Launching Mule Studio
Figure 1.4. Installing the community runtime
Figure 1.5. Creating a new Mule project
Figure 1.6. Defining the initial flow
Figure 1.7. Dragging the HTTP inbound endpoint to the flow
Figure 1.8. Configuring the HTTP endpoint’s properties
Figure 1.9. Adding the byte-array-to-string transformer and JMS outbound endpoint to the flow
Figure 1.10. Configuring the JMS endpoint’s properties
Figure 1.11. Configuring the JMS connector
Figure 1.12. Configuring the ActiveMQ connector
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