Chapter 12Image Formats of Various 3-D Displays
12.1 Chapter Overview
The images displayed on image panels and screens to generate various forms of three dimensional (3-D) images in 3-D displays are formatted many different ways based on spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal multiplexing, in order to deal with the required amount of image data to be displayed and to fit onto an available display. The image formats of different 3-D imaging methods such as multiview, volumetric, and holographic are unique from each other: The image format for multiview includes a set of different view images for generating the virtual arrangement of voxels in imaging space; for volumetric, a set of depth-wise images generate a spatial arrangement of voxels in space; and for holographic methods a set of images laden with fringe patterns generate a spatial image with a continuous depth. Currently, the main display means of these images for the three methods is the flat panel display for plane images, and display chips like DMD ...
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