Chapter 6

Creating and Following a Production Plan

In This Chapter

arrow Setting up the production plan that works best for your plan and your production

arrow Decision making for pre-production through post production

arrow Staying on time, budget, and plan even when it takes more time and more money

arrow Preparing all the post-production for pre-release

The information and details in your production plan can have multiple uses for multiple people. You can use it as a guide to stay on track with time and budget. You can also add it in to your music business plan and as well as a detail and justification tool for how you are creating and recording your product. It can also be used after the fact to look at what worked, what took more time or more money, and how you may need to alter future plans.

The organization, time- and money-saving advantages that comes from flowing a solid and detailed production plan enable you to create the best product with the least stress, hassle, and issues. Think of your production plan as a blueprint to help you stay focused and on task by building a strategy that covers

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