My iMac (covers OS X Mavericks), Second Edition

Book description

Covers Mavericks for iMac

Step-by-step instructions with callouts to iMac photos that show you exactly what to do.
Help when you run into hardware or operating system problems or limitations.
Tips and Notes to help you get the most from your iMac.

Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through getting and keeping your iMac working just the way you want.
Tasks include:
• Managing, arranging, and tagging your files
• Staying on top of important events with Notification Center
• Creating and navigating virtual workspaces in Mission Control
• Opening and organizing apps with Launchpad
• Connecting to and accessing network resources
• Activating and using iCloud services
• Communicating online with email, instant messaging, and video
• Keeping appointments with Calendar and Reminders
• Planning trips and checking traffic with Maps
• Being social with Facebook and Twitter integration
• Downloading and enjoying music, movies, and more
• Buying, reading, and annotating iBooks
• Getting the latest and greatest software from the App Store and other sources
• Challenging your friends to games with Game Center
• Protecting and securing your system and data
• Expanding your system with peripheral devices
• Troubleshooting common system problems

Table of contents

  1. About This eBook
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents at a Glance
  5. Table of Contents
  6. About the Author
  7. Dedication
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. We Want to Hear from You!
  10. Reader Services
  11. Prologue: Getting Started with the iMac
    1. Getting to Know the iMac Hardware
    2. What You Need to Know
    3. Understanding iCloud and Apple ID
    4. Windows Compatibility
  12. 1. Managing Your Desktop
    1. Organizing in the Dock
    2. Customizing Finder Windows
    3. Arranging and Grouping Files
    4. Previewing Document Contents with Quick Look
    5. Using Instant-Access Utilities in the Dashboard
    6. Finding Information with Spotlight
    7. Keeping Track of System Events with Notifications
  13. 2. Making the Most of Your Screen Space
    1. Swimming in a Sea of Application Windows with Mission Control
    2. Managing and Launching Applications with Launchpad
    3. Managing Auto Open and Save Features
  14. 3. Connecting Your Mac to a Network
    1. Connecting to a Wired Network
    2. Connecting to a Wireless Network
    3. Manually Configuring Network Settings
    4. Creating Virtual Private Network Connections
    5. Managing Multiple Connections with Locations and Configurations
    6. Seeking Automated Network Assistance
  15. 4. Setting Up iCloud Services and Internet Accounts
    1. Setting Up iCloud
    2. Exploring Unique iCloud Services
    3. Getting Started with Accounts
  16. 5. Accessing Email and the Web
    1. Using Mail
    2. Web Browsing in Safari
  17. 6. Sharing Files, Devices, and Services
    1. File Sharing on Your Mac
    2. Sharing Files via Share Sheets
    3. Sharing Printers
    4. Sharing an Optical Drive
    5. Sharing Your Mac Screen
    6. Sharing Your Internet Connection
  18. 7. Being Social with Messages, FaceTime, Twitter, and Facebook
    1. Instant Messaging with Messages
    2. Video Calls with FaceTime
    3. Using the Mavericks Twitter and Facebook Posting Support
  19. 8. Managing Who, Where, When, and What
    1. Managing Contacts in Contacts
    2. Finding Your Way with Maps
    3. Working with Schedules in Calendar
    4. Remembering with Reminders
    5. Keeping Track with Notes
  20. 9. Entertainment on the (Big) Little Screen
    1. Creating a Media Library in iTunes
    2. Reading Your iBooks
    3. Getting Your Game on with Game Center
  21. 10. Installing and Managing Software on Your Mac
    1. Mac App Store
    2. Installing Non–App Store Applications
    3. Keeping Your Applications and Operating System Up-To-Date
  22. 11. Making the Most of Your Mac Hardware
    1. Going Green with Energy Saver
    2. Updating Keyboard and Dictation Settings
    3. Changing Trackpad and Mouse Options
    4. Adjusting Your Display
    5. Setting Sound Input and Output
    6. Recording Audio and Video
  23. 12. Connecting Devices to Your Mac
    1. Connecting USB Input Devices
    2. Using Bluetooth Devices
    3. Using External Displays and Projectors
    4. Connecting to an Apple TV (or Other Device) with AirPlay
    5. Connecting and Using a Printer
    6. Connecting and Using a Scanner
  24. 13. Securing and Protecting Your Mac
    1. Working with Users and Groups
    2. Tracking Passwords with Keychain Access
    3. Encrypting Your Mavericks Disk
    4. Limiting Application Execution
    5. Adding Network Security with the Built-In Firewall
    6. Backing Up Important Information
  25. 14. Troubleshooting Your System
    1. Dealing with Troublesome Software
    2. Restarting and Correcting a Frozen Machine
    3. Fixing Disk Problems with Disk Utility
    4. Gathering Information About Your Mac
    5. Remember Your Backups!
  26. 15. Upgrading Your Mac
    1. Upgrading Your Built-In Hardware
    2. Adding External Storage
  27. Index

Product information

  • Title: My iMac (covers OS X Mavericks), Second Edition
  • Author(s): John Ray
  • Release date: November 2013
  • Publisher(s): Que
  • ISBN: 9780133490664