


$statement_handle = $db->prepare($statement);
$statement_handle = $db->prepare($statement, \%unused);

DBI::prepare takes as its argument an SQL statement, which some database modules put into an internal compiled form so that it runs faster when DBI::execute is called. These DBD modules (not DBD::mSQL or DBD::mysql) also accept a reference to a hash of optional attributes. The mSQL and MySQL server do not currently implement the concept of “preparing,” so DBI::prepare merely stores the statement. You may optionally insert any number of `?' symbols into your statement in place of data values. These symbols are known as “placeholders.” The DBI::bind_param function is used to substitute the actual values for the placeholders. The function returns undef if the statement cannot be prepared for some reason.


use DBI;
my $db = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:mydata','me','mypassword');

my $statement_handle = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM mytable');
# This statement is now ready for execution.

My $statement_handle = $db->prepare(
'SELECT name, date FROM myothertable WHERE name like ?');
# This statement will be ready for exececuting once the placeholder is filled
# in using the DBI::bind_param function.

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