Creating a Sequence Column and Generating Sequence Values


You want to include a sequence column in a table.


Use an AUTO_INCREMENT column.


This section provides the basic background on how AUTO_INCREMENT columns work, beginning with a short example that demonstrates the sequence-generation mechanism. The illustration centers around a bug-collection scenario: your son (eight-year-old Junior) is assigned the task of collecting insects for a class project at school. For each insect, Junior is to record its name (ant, bee, and so forth), and its date and location of collection. You have expounded the benefits of MySQL for record-keeping to Junior since his early days, so upon your arrival home from work that day, he immediately announces the necessity of completing this project and then, looking you straight in the eye, declares that it’s clearly a task for which MySQL is well-suited. Who are you to argue? So the two of you get to work. Junior already collected some specimens after school while waiting for you to come home and has recorded the following information in his notebook:

grasshopper2006-09-10front yard
stink bug2006-09-10front yard
cabbage butterfly2006-09-10garden
ant2006-09-10back yard
ant2006-09-10back yard
millbug2006-09-10under rock

Looking over Junior’s notes, you’re pleased to see that even at his tender age, he has learned to write dates in ISO format. However, you also notice that ...

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