Counting and Identifying Duplicates


You want to determine whether a table contains duplicates, and to what extent they occur. Or you want to see the rows that contain the duplicated values.


Use a counting summary that looks for and displays duplicated values. To see the rows in which the duplicated values occur, join the summary to the original table to display the matching rows.


Suppose that your web site includes a sign-up page that enables visitors to add themselves to your mailing list to receive periodic product catalog mailings. But you forgot to include a unique index in the table when you created it, and now you suspect that some people are signed up multiple times. Perhaps they forgot they were already on the list, or perhaps people added friends to the list who were already signed up. Either way, the result of having duplicate rows is that you mail out duplicate catalogs. This is an additional expense to you, and it annoys the recipients. This section discusses how to find out if duplicates are present in a table, how prevalent they are, and how to display the duplicated rows. (For tables that do contain duplicates, Eliminating Duplicates from a Table describes how to eliminate them.)

To determine whether duplicates occur in a table, use a counting summary (a topic covered in Chapter 8). Summary techniques can be applied to identifying and counting duplicates by grouping rows with GROUP BY and counting the rows in each group using COUNT(). For the ...

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