Dividing a Summary into Subgroups


You want to calculate a summary for each subgroup of a set of rows, not an overall summary value.


Use a GROUP BY clause to arrange rows into groups.


The summary queries shown so far calculate summary values over all rows in the result set. For example, the following query determines the number of daily driving records in the driver_log table, and thus the total number of days that drivers were on the road:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM driver_log;
| COUNT(*) |
|       10 |

But sometimes it’s desirable to break a set of rows into subgroups and summarize each group. This is done by using aggregate functions in conjunction with a GROUP BY clause. To determine the number of days driven by each driver, group the rows by driver name, count how many rows there are for each name, and display the names with the counts:

mysql> SELECT name, COUNT(name) FROM driver_log GROUP BY name;
| name  | COUNT(name) |
| Ben   |           3 |
| Henry |           5 |
| Suzi  |           2 |

That query summarizes the same column used for grouping (name), but that’s not always necessary. Suppose you want a quick characterization of the driver_log table, showing for each person listed in it the total number of miles driven and the average number of miles per day. In this case, you still use the name column to place the rows in groups, but the summary functions operate on the miles

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