



This function returns the minute value (0–59) of a given time. Here is an example:

SELECT CONCAT(HOUR(appointment), ':',
MINUTE(appointment)) AS 'Appointment'
FROM appointments
WHERE client_id = '3992'
AND appointment > CURDATE( );

| Appointment |
|       13:30 |

This statement is using the string function CONCAT() to paste together the hour and the minute, with a colon as a separator. Of course, a function such as DATE_FORMAT() would be a better choice for such a task. If an invalid time is given (e.g., minutes or seconds in excess of 59), NULL is returned and a warning issued:

SELECT MINUTE('13:60:00') AS 'Bad Time', 
MINUTE('13:30:00') AS 'Good Time';

| Bad Time | Good Time |
|     NULL |        30 | 
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


| Level   | Code | Message                                    |
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect time value: '13:60:00' | 

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