Numeric Functions

Numeric functions perform operations on numeric data types such as INT and FLOAT.



ABS returns the absolute value of a number—that is, the magnitude of the value ignoring any minus sign.

    SET var1=ABS(2.143);      →  2.143
    SET var2=ABS(-10);        →  10
    SET var3=ABS(10);         →  10
    SET var4=ABS(-2.3);       →  2.3



BIN returns the binary (base 2) representation of an integer value.

    SET var1=BIN(1);    →  1
    SET var2=BIN(2);    →  10
    SET var3=BIN(3);    →  11
    SET var4=BIN(45);   →  101101



CEILING returns the next integer number that is higher than the input floating-point number.

    SET var1=CEILING(3.5);    →  4
    SET var2=CEILING(-3.5);   →  -3



CONV converts numbers from one base system to another. Although CONV is, in essence, a numeric function, it may return values that you may need to deal with as strings (e.g., hexadecimal numbers).

The following CONV statements convert the number 45 (base 10) into binary (base 2), hexadecimal (base 16), and octal (base 8):

    SET var1=CONV(45,10,2);    →  101101
    SET var2=CONV(45,10,16);   →  2D
    SET var3=CONV(45,10,8) ;   →  55

These statements convert the number 45 (base 2) into base 10, and converts 45 (base 8) into base 2:

    SET var4=CONV(101101,2,10);   →  45
    SET var5=CONV(55,8,2);        →  101101



FLOOR returns the largest integer value not greater than X.

    SET var1=FLOOR(3.5);     →  3
    SET var2=FLOOR(-3.5);    → -4


    string=FORMAT(number,decimal_places ...

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