Appendix I: General Comments on
Project Execution
All projects require denition on the part of the executor so that the prob-
lem statement is clear and crisp. This could be done in an introduction
section. This denition is the rst step toward an oft-stated paradigm:
say what you are going to do, do it, and nally say what you have done.
The rst component (say what you are going to do) makes a good introduc-
tion with relevant facts stated and orients the reader to the problem to be
solved. The second component (do it) can be broken down into subtasks
with each subtask given a section, pasting graphics (gures) at appropriate
places, and discussing the results with callouts for gures and equations,
properly numbered and gures captioned. A good discussion involves the
constraints under which output has been acquired, approximations that
have been made, and the outcomes with their clear and conspicuous inter-
pretations. The third component (say what you have done) is tying things
together with outcomes emphasized and perhaps a sentence or two about
how the outcomes can be further extended for applications. A good abstract
(normally 100200 words) captures the interest of the readers and compels
them to read further. Even though the abstract appears rst in any paper,
it is written last. An iterative process can be designed to capture the mind
in an abstract before writing the paper, complete the paper, and revisits
the abstract for identication that it does capture the reader’s attention.
A descriptive abstract orients the reader to what is contained in the paper
without stating the outcomes. This is appropriate for a paper in social sci-
ences and humanities. However, in engineering, physical, and biological
sciences, it is essential that the abstract is informative, stating not only the
methodology followed, but also the major outcomes obtained and their
possible extension for future exploration.
The best is to look at some of the sample papers to capture the essence of
the organization of a project report. The papers normally do not have a cover
sheet, but project reports normally have a cover sheet and table of contents.
It is hybrid of the book format and a paper format.
The derivations are avoided in a formal report. Where applicable, the refer-
ences are given to published sources. However, the meaning and signicance
of all symbols is always stated. Web of Science or Web of Knowledge do pro-
vide opportunities to an End Note environment existing on your computer
or on the web. End Note and Math Type equation editor are embedded in
MS Word menu bar and are easily called in when needed. The major advan-
tage of End Note is that references are automatically formatted at the end
of the paper. Most academic organizations subscribe to the Web of Science.

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