Appendix J: Published Papers by the
The book is based on papers published by the author in numerous journals.
The author can be reached at vijay.arora@wilkes.edu to get more information
on the contents of these papers. Here is the list of these papers for readers to
refer to original sources:
1. V. K. Arora and A. Bhattacharyya, A unied bandgap engineering of graphene
nanoribbons, Physica Status Solidi (b), 251(11), 2257–2264, 2014.
2. E. Akbari, V. K. Arora, M. T. Ahmadi, A. Enzevaee, M. Saeidmanesh, M.
Khaledian, H. Karimi, and R. Yusof, An analytical approach to evaluate the per-
formance of graphene and carbon nanotubes for NH
gas sensor applications,
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 726–734, 2014.
3. E. Akbari, V. K. Arora, A. Enzevaee, M. T. Ahmadi, M. Khaledian, and R.
Yusof, Gas concentration effects on the sensing properties of bilayer graphene,
Plasmonics, 9, 987–992, 2014.
4. H. C. Chin, A. Bhattacharyya, and V. K. Arora, Extraction of nanoelectronic
parameters from quantum conductance in a carbon nanotube, Carbon, 76,
451–454, 2014.
5. H. C. Chin, C. S. Lim, W. S. Wong, K. A. Danapalasingam, V. K. Arora, and
M. Tan, Enhanced device and circuit-level performance benchmarking of gra-
phene nanoribbon eld-effect transistor against a nano-MOSFET with inter-
connects, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014, Article ID 879813, 14 (http://dx.doi.
6. Bandgap engineering of carbon allotropes, Facta Universitatis Series: Electronics
and Energetics, 27(1), 113–127, March 2014. DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1401113A.
7. V. K. Arora and A. Bhattacharyya, Cohesive band structure of carbon nanotubes
for applications in quantum transport, Nanoscale, 5(22), 10927–10935, 2013.
8. V. K. Arora, M. L. P. Tan, and C. Gupta, High-eld transport in a graphene nano-
layer, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 114330, 2012.
9. V. K. Arora, OBE and WA: Understanding the paradigm shift on knowledge
delivery and management, Journal of Engineering, Science and Management
Education, 5(II), 430–444, 2012.
10. V. K. Arora, M. S. Z. Abidin, M. L. P. Tan, and M. A. Riyadi, Temperature-
dependent ballistic transport in a channel with length below the scattering-lim-
ited mean free path, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 054301, 2012.
11. V. K. Arora, M. S. Z. Abidin, S. Tembhurne, and M. A. Riyadi, Concentration
dependence of drift and magnetoresistance ballistic mobility in a scaled-down
metal–oxide–semiconductor eld-effect transistor, Applied Physics Letters, 99,
063106, 2011.
12. V. K. Arora, D. Chek, and A. M. bin Hashim, Digital signal propagation delay in
a nano-circuit containing reactive and resistive elements, Solid State Electronics,
61, 87–92, 2011.

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