27 III-2aPolicies and Regulations in Europe

Neta Palkovitz

ISIS—Innovative Solutions In Space B.V., Delft, The Netherlands

International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL), Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands

27.1 Introduction

Small satellites have become increasingly popular over the years. They also took an important role in democratizing space, enabling nontraditional actors to join the space club. The upcoming small satellites' large constellations are currently shaping NewSpace, and the anticipated deep space exploration missions push them to the front line of innovation.

Like any other space activity, small satellite operations are subject to international space law. European satellite operators also have to adhere to domestic space laws and policies.

This chapter aims at explaining the main provisions of space law that apply to small satellite operations, in a “down to Earth” manner. It first focuses on international space law and the UN space treaties. It continues by elaborating on national space law in general, mentioning third party insurance obligations as a specific example that shows the practicalities in applying these laws to small satellites. The chapter ends with recent subjects that raise the need to further regulate small satellite operations.

27.2 International Space Law

27.2.1 General—What Is International Space Law?

International space law is comprised of a set of treaties, UN General Assembly resolutions, and practices that states have ...

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