Chapter 34 Nanoscience and Water: Public Engagement At and Below the Surface

David M. Berube

Professor of Communication and Coordinator of PCOST, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA

  1. Introduction 522

  2. Water and the Public 523

  3. Nanotechnology Treatment Strategies 524

  4. Modalities 526

    1. Municipal Systems 526

    2. Point-of-Use Systems 526

    3. Targeted Systems 527

  5. Water and Public Engagement 527

    1. Municipal Systems 529

    2. Point-of-Use Strategies 529

  6. Conclusion 531


Potable water is a threatened resource for the developing world. As nanoscience contributes to the development of nanotechnologies with the potential to provide safe and inexpensive drinking water to developing countries, it is imperative that ...

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