
[1] Gas processors and suppliers association (GPSA) engineering data-book. 12th ed. 2004: Tulsa (OK, USA).

[2] Lowe D.C., Rezkallah K.S. Flow regime identification in microgravity two-phase flows, using void fraction signals.  Int J Multiphase Flow. 1999;25:433–457.

Further reading

Andreussi P., Bendiksen K. An investigation of void fraction in liquid slugs for horizontal and inclined gas-liquid flow.  Int J Multiph Flow. 1989;15(2):937–946.

Andritsos N., Hanratty T.J. Influence of interfacial waves in stratified gas-liquid flow.  AIChE J. 1987;33(3):444–454.

Angel R.R., Welchon J.K. Low ratio gas-lift correlation for casing-tubing annuli and large-diameter tubing.  Drill Prod Prac API. 1964:100.

Ansari A.M. A comprehensive mechanistic model ...

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