Appendix C
APP Channel Equalization
The APP equalizer outputs the channel information, which is expressed as {Lf(dk)}, associated with all data bits, given Nc received samples hosted by the vector y = y1Nc as well as the a priori information {Lb(dk)} corresponding to all data bits. The feed-forward information Lf(dk) corresponding to bit dk is given by
where L(dk|y) =ln[P(dk = + 1|y)/P(dk = −1|y)] represents the a posteriori Logarithmic Likelihood Ratio (LLR) of the data bit dk, which may be computed using the algorithm described below by following the approaches outlined in [69, 70, 72, 99].
The a posteriori LLR of thedatabit dk can be expressed in conjunction with the channel states sk−1 and sk as
The sequence y1Nc involved in the computation of the probability P(sk−1, sk, y1Nc) can be written in a more detailed form as P(sk−1, sk, y1k−1, yk, yNck+1). Applying the chain rule for joint probabilities, i.e., exploiting that we have P(a, b) = P(a)P(b|a), this expression yields the following decomposition of P(sk−1, sk, y1Nc):
Let us introduce the following definitions:
Then according to [48] the term αk(s) can be computed via the recursion
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