

  1. Activity Designer 181, 235240

    1. Modelltem 236

      1. ModelProperty 236

    2. WorkflowItemPresenter 236

    3. WorkflowItemsPresenter 236

  2. Accessors 351 also see also Repository pattern

  3. ADO.NET 8, 331

  4. ADO.NET Data services 8, 396, 411, see WCF Data Services

  5. ASP.NET 625

  6. Announcements 121125

    1. announcementEndpoints 121, 122

    2. AnnouncementService 123, 124

    3. udpAnnouncementEndpoint 121, 122

  7. Assembly 4, 17, 18, 19, 2945

  8. AppFabric Cache 298, 310, 317, 320, 328

  9. AppFabric Deployment 264270

    1. Creating a deployment package 265268

    2. Export 264, 269270

    3. Import 264, 268269

    4. Scripts 264

  10. AppFabric Distributed Caching 298, 301

    1. AppFabric Caching Service 256, 298, 299, 303305, 308, 323, 327

    2. Cache Client 301

    3. Cache Cluster 299

    4. Cache Host 299

    5. Cached Object 300 ...

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