Time for action – consuming our new Extension method

Now, let's see how we can consume this method:

  1. Stay in the project you created. Add a console application. Call it StringExTest.
  2. Add a reference of StringEx class library to this project:
    Time for action – consuming our new Extension method
  3. Add the following using directive in Program.cs:
    using StringEx;
  4. Add the following string variable in the Main() method. This validates Swedish zip codes:
    string pattern = @"^(s-|S-){0,1}[0-9]{3}\s?[0-9]{2}$";
  5. Add a few test input strings in a List of strings:
    List<string> testInputs = new List<string>() {"12345", "425611", "932 68", "S-621 46", "5367", "31 545" };

    Iterate through all these test inputs to find out whether ...

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