Working with CryptoAPI 1.0
Microsoft's CryptoAPI consists roughly of two related sets of APIs—a low-level set of functions (CryptoAPI 1.0) that perform core cryptographic operations, such as basic encryption and digital signature operations, and a higher-level set of functions (CryptoAPI 2.0) designed to work with X.509v3/PKIX Part 1 digital certificates and S/MIME (CMS) signed messages. This section discusses interoperating with CryptoAPI 1.0 functions and data structures from the .NET Framework; CryptoAPI 2.0 functions are addressed in the next section.
The CryptoAPI Provider Model: Cryptographic Service Providers and Key Containers
CryptoAPI 1.0 contains a pluggable-provider model that permits third parties to implement cryptographic algorithms ...
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