Loosely Coupled Transactor Client[1]

[1] Portions of the following text are used by permission from Pranish Kumar and Bogdan Crivat, “SOAP: Using ATL Server to Build an Asynchronous SOAP Client in Unmanaged C++,” MSDN Magazine, April 2002, http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/04/SOAP/default.aspx.


Provide asynchronous services to those systems whose installed clients can be edited or created without the need for .NET on the server or client, or a messaging system of any kind. These clients include Windows 2000 or Windows XP without the .NET runtime. Utilize multithreading to mimic asynchronous behavior on a client.


The reason for implementing this pattern is that, like the LCT Server, an application can greatly benefit from ...

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