.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell

Book description

.NET Windows Forms are a powerful technology for building a large class of applications for the Windows .NET platform. They offer nearly the same power and flexibility of classic Win32 development, but for a fraction of the effort. The programming model is lean and streamlined, and many of the tedious details that developers used to have to spend time on are now dealt with automatically by the platform. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell offers an accelerated introduction to this next-generation of rich user interface development. The book provides an all-inclusive guide for experienced programmers using the .NET Windows Forms platform to develop Windows applications, along with a compact but remarkably complete reference to the .NET Framework Class Library (FCL) Windows Forms namespaces and types. The authors present solid coverage of the fundamental building blocks, such as Controls, Forms, Menus, and GDI+, and enough detail to help you build your own fully featured reusable visual components so you can write visual component libraries as well as standalone applications. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell aims to provide not just the practical information and advice required to get programs working, but also to communicate the rationale behind the various parts of Windows Forms' design. The authors show how the thinking behind the framework enhances your productivity substantially. The new framework allows you to guess correctly what "the Right Way" to do things is a majority of the time, even if you've never tried what you're doing before. No more digging around in documentation for days to try to find the bit of information you need to use one particular feature. Anyone who is involved in user interface development will appreciate the ease of creation and expanded capabilities provided by .NET Windows Forms, as well as the in-depth focus and straight-forward approach this book brings. Included on CD is an add-in that will integrate the book's reference directly into the help files of Visual Studio .NET.

Table of contents

  1. .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
    1. Preface
      1. Who This Book Is For
      2. How This Book Is Structured
      3. Assumptions This Book Makes
      4. What’s on the CD
      5. Conventions Used in This Book
      6. How to Contact Us
      7. Acknowledgments
    2. I. Introduction to Windows Forms
      1. 1. .NET and Windows Forms Overview
        1. Windows Development and .NET
        2. The Common Language Runtime
          1. Managed Code
          2. Compilation in .NET
          3. The Role of the Type System
        3. .NET Programming Languages
        4. Components
        5. The .NET Type System
          1. Members of Types
            1. Methods
            2. Fields
            3. Properties
            4. Event handling
            5. Protection levels
          2. Inheritance and Interfaces
            1. Inheritance
            2. Interface-based programming
          3. The Different Types of Type
            1. Reference types
            2. Value types
            3. Values and boxing
        6. The .NET Framework Class Library
          1. Windows Forms and GDI+
      2. 2. Controls
        1. Windows Forms and the Control Class
        2. Using Standard Control Features
          1. Location, Location, Location
            1. Position and size
            2. Automatic layout
          2. Appearance
            1. Color
            2. Text
            3. Images
            4. Mouse cursors
          3. Handling Input
            1. Mouse Input
            2. Drag and drop
            3. Keyboard input
            4. Accessibility
            5. Validation
        3. Built-in Controls
          1. Available Controls
          2. Using the Built-in Controls
        4. Summary
      3. 3. Forms, Containers, and Applications
        1. Application Structure
          1. Startup and Shutdown
          2. The Application Class
          3. Forms and Threads
        2. The Form Class
          1. The Forms Designer
            1. Initialization
            2. Disposal
          2. Showing Modal and Non-Modal Forms
            1. Closing forms
            2. Automatic button click handling
        3. Containment
          1. Parents and Owners
            1. Parent and child
            2. Ownership
            3. Top-most forms
          2. Control and ContainerControl
            1. Focus and validation
          3. Ambient Properties
          4. MDI Applications
        4. Layout
          1. Scrolling
          2. Docking
          3. Splitters
          4. Layout Events
          5. Custom Layout
        5. Localization
          1. Resource Managers
          2. Resources and Visual Studio .NET
            1. Resource Files
        6. Extender Providers
        7. Summary
      4. 4. Menus and Toolbars
        1. Menus
          1. The Object Model
            1. Building menus
            2. Accelerators and shortcut keys
          2. Event Handling
          3. Menu Item State
          4. Attaching Menus
          5. Menu Merging
            1. Advanced merging
            2. Merging and MDI applications
            3. Merging and forms inheritance
          6. Owner-Drawn Menus
        2. Toolbars
          1. The ToolBar Class
          2. The ToolBarButton Class
          3. Event Handling
        3. Unified Event Handling
        4. Office-Style Menus and Toolbars
        5. Summary
      5. 5. Building Controls
        1. Composite Controls
          1. The UserControl Class
          2. Reusing Without Inheritance
        2. Custom Controls
          1. Redrawing
          2. Handling Input
            1. Mouse input
            2. Keyboard input
          3. Control Styles
          4. Scrollable Custom Controls
        3. Designing for Developers
          1. Designer Integration
        4. Summary
      6. 6. Inheritance and Reuse
        1. When to Inherit
          1. When to Inherit from a Form
        2. Inheriting from Forms and User Controls
          1. Interacting with Controls in the Base Class
          2. Event Handling
        3. Inheriting from Other Controls
          1. Extending the Programming Interface
          2. Extending Behavior
        4. Pitfalls of Inheritance
          1. Design Heuristics for Inheritance
            1. Protection levels
            2. Virtual methods
            3. Event handling
        5. Summary
      7. 7. Redrawing and GDI+
        1. Drawing and Controls
          1. Forcing a Redraw
          2. Painting Other Controls
          3. Flicker-Free Drawing
        2. GDI+
          1. Essential GDI+ Classes
            1. Graphics
            2. Point, Size, and Rectangle
            3. Color
            4. Brushes
            5. Pens
          2. Shapes
            1. Rectangles and ellipses
            2. Lines and polygons
            3. Curves
            4. Paths
            5. Regions
          3. Text
            1. Fonts
            2. Formatting
          4. Images
            1. Bitmaps
            2. Metafiles
            3. Color transformations
          5. Coordinate Systems and Transformations
        3. Summary
      8. 8. Property Grids
        1. Displaying Simple Objects
          1. Localizable Descriptions and Categories
        2. Type Conversion
          1. Nested Properties
            1. Value types
          2. Property Descriptors
            1. Localization with property descriptors
        3. Custom Type Editors
        4. Summary
      9. 9. Controls and the IDE
        1. Design Time Versus Runtime
          1. Detecting Design Time
        2. Custom Component Designers
          1. Designer Verbs
            1. DesignerVerb properties
          2. Selection and Resizing
            1. Hit testing
            2. Resizing and moving
          3. Adornments
          4. Containment
          5. Metadata Filtering
            1. Shadow properties
          6. Designer Host Interfaces
        3. Extender Providers
        4. Summary
      10. 10. Data Binding
        1. Data Sources and Bindings
          1. Binding Managers
          2. List Sources
        2. Simple and Complex Binding
          1. List Control Binding
        3. DataTable, DataSet, and Friends
          1. Using the DataTable Class
          2. Using the DataSet Class
          3. Populating a DataSet from a Database
          4. Multiple Binding Contexts
        4. The DataGrid Control
          1. Filtering the DataGrid Display
        5. The DataView Class
        6. Summary
    3. II. API Quick Reference
      1. 11. How to Use This Quick Reference
        1. Finding a Quick-Reference Entry
        2. Reading a Quick-Reference Entry
          1. Type Name, Namespace, Assembly, Type Category, and Flags
          2. Description
          3. Synopsis
            1. Member availability and flags
            2. Functional grouping of members
          4. Class Hierarchy
          5. Cross-References
          6. A Note About Type Names
      2. 12. Converting from C# to VB Syntax
        1. General Considerations
        2. Classes
        3. Structures
        4. Interfaces
        5. Class, Structure, and Interface Members
          1. Fields
          2. Methods
          3. Properties
          4. Events
        6. Delegates
        7. Enumerations
      3. 13. The System.ComponentModel Namespace
        1. AmbientValueAttribute
        2. ArrayConverter
        3. AttributeCollection
        4. BaseNumberConverter
        5. BindableAttribute
        6. BindableSupport
        7. BooleanConverter
        8. BrowsableAttribute
        9. ByteConverter
        10. CancelEventArgs
        11. CancelEventHandler
        12. CategoryAttribute
        13. CharConverter
        14. CollectionChangeAction
        15. CollectionChangeEventArgs
        16. CollectionChangeEventHandler
        17. CollectionConverter
        18. Component
        19. ComponentCollection
        20. ComponentConverter
        21. ComponentEditor
        22. Container
        23. CultureInfoConverter
        24. DateTimeConverter
        25. DecimalConverter
        26. DefaultEventAttribute
        27. DefaultPropertyAttribute
        28. DefaultValueAttribute
        29. DescriptionAttribute
        30. DesignerAttribute
        31. DesignerCategoryAttribute
        32. DesignerSerializationVisibility
        33. DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute
        34. DesignOnlyAttribute
        35. DesignTimeVisibleAttribute
        36. DoubleConverter
        37. EditorAttribute
        38. EditorBrowsableAttribute
        39. EditorBrowsableState
        40. EnumConverter
        41. EventDescriptor
        42. EventDescriptorCollection
        43. EventHandlerList
        44. ExpandableObjectConverter
        45. ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute
        46. GuidConverter
        47. IBindingList
        48. IComNativeDescriptorHandler
        49. IComponent
        50. IContainer
        51. ICustomTypeDescriptor
        52. IDataErrorInfo
        53. IEditableObject
        54. IExtenderProvider
        55. IListSource
        56. ImmutableObjectAttribute
        57. InheritanceAttribute
        58. InheritanceLevel
        59. InstallerTypeAttribute
        60. Int16Converter
        61. Int32Converter
        62. Int64Converter
        63. InvalidEnumArgumentException
        64. ISite
        65. ISupportInitialize
        66. ISynchronizeInvoke
        67. ITypeDescriptorContext
        68. ITypedList
        69. License
        70. LicenseContext
        71. LicenseException
        72. LicenseManager
        73. LicenseProvider
        74. LicenseProviderAttribute
        75. LicenseUsageMode
        76. LicFileLicenseProvider
        77. ListBindableAttribute
        78. ListChangedEventArgs
        79. ListChangedEventHandler
        80. ListChangedType
        81. ListSortDirection
        82. LocalizableAttribute
        83. MarshalByValueComponent
        84. MemberDescriptor
        85. MergablePropertyAttribute
        86. NotifyParentPropertyAttribute
        87. ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute
        88. PropertyChangedEventArgs
        89. PropertyChangedEventHandler
        90. PropertyDescriptor
        91. PropertyDescriptorCollection
        92. PropertyTabAttribute
        93. PropertyTabScope
        94. ProvidePropertyAttribute
        95. ReadOnlyAttribute
        96. RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute
        97. ReferenceConverter
        98. RefreshEventArgs
        99. RefreshEventHandler
        100. RefreshProperties
        101. RefreshPropertiesAttribute
        102. RunInstallerAttribute
        103. SByteConverter
        104. SingleConverter
        105. StringConverter
        106. SyntaxCheck
        107. TimeSpanConverter
        108. ToolboxItemAttribute
        109. ToolboxItemFilterAttribute
        110. ToolboxItemFilterType
        111. TypeConverter
        112. TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection
        113. TypeConverterAttribute
        114. TypeDescriptor
        115. TypeListConverter
        116. UInt16Converter
        117. UInt32Converter
        118. UInt64Converter
        119. WarningException
        120. Win32Exception
      4. 14. The System.Drawing Namespace
        1. Bitmap
        2. Brush
        3. Brushes
        4. CharacterRange
        5. Color
        6. ColorConverter
        7. ColorTranslator
        8. ContentAlignment
        9. Font
        10. FontConverter
        11. FontConverter.FontNameConverter
        12. FontConverter.FontUnitConverter
        13. FontFamily
        14. FontStyle
        15. Graphics
        16. Graphics.DrawImageAbort
        17. Graphics.EnumerateMetafileProc
        18. GraphicsUnit
        19. Icon
        20. IconConverter
        21. Image
        22. Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort
        23. ImageAnimator
        24. ImageConverter
        25. ImageFormatConverter
        26. KnownColor
        27. Pen
        28. Pens
        29. Point
        30. PointConverter
        31. PointF
        32. Rectangle
        33. RectangleConverter
        34. RectangleF
        35. Region
        36. RotateFlipType
        37. Size
        38. SizeConverter
        39. SizeF
        40. SolidBrush
        41. StringAlignment
        42. StringDigitSubstitute
        43. StringFormat
        44. StringFormatFlags
        45. StringTrimming
        46. StringUnit
        47. SystemBrushes
        48. SystemColors
        49. SystemIcons
        50. SystemPens
        51. TextureBrush
        52. ToolboxBitmapAttribute
      5. 15. The System.Drawing.Drawing2D Namespace
        1. AdjustableArrowCap
        2. Blend
        3. ColorBlend
        4. CombineMode
        5. CompositingMode
        6. CompositingQuality
        7. CoordinateSpace
        8. CustomLineCap
        9. DashCap
        10. DashStyle
        11. FillMode
        12. FlushIntention
        13. GraphicsContainer
        14. GraphicsPath
        15. GraphicsPathIterator
        16. GraphicsState
        17. HatchBrush
        18. HatchStyle
        19. InterpolationMode
        20. LinearGradientBrush
        21. LinearGradientMode
        22. LineCap
        23. LineJoin
        24. Matrix
        25. MatrixOrder
        26. PathData
        27. PathGradientBrush
        28. PathPointType
        29. PenAlignment
        30. PenType
        31. PixelOffsetMode
        32. QualityMode
        33. RegionData
        34. SmoothingMode
        35. WarpMode
        36. WrapMode
      6. 16. The System.Drawing.Imaging Namespace
        1. BitmapData
        2. ColorAdjustType
        3. ColorChannelFlag
        4. ColorMap
        5. ColorMapType
        6. ColorMatrix
        7. ColorMatrixFlag
        8. ColorMode
        9. ColorPalette
        10. EmfPlusRecordType
        11. EmfType
        12. Encoder
        13. EncoderParameter
        14. EncoderParameters
        15. EncoderParameterValueType
        16. EncoderValue
        17. FrameDimension
        18. ImageAttributes
        19. ImageCodecFlags
        20. ImageCodecInfo
        21. ImageFlags
        22. ImageFormat
        23. ImageLockMode
        24. Metafile
        25. MetafileFrameUnit
        26. MetafileHeader
        27. MetafileType
        28. MetaHeader
        29. PaletteFlags
        30. PixelFormat
        31. PlayRecordCallback
        32. PropertyItem
        33. WmfPlaceableFileHeader
      7. 17. The System.Drawing.Printing Namespace
        1. Duplex
        2. InvalidPrinterException
        3. Margins
        4. MarginsConverter
        5. PageSettings
        6. PaperKind
        7. PaperSize
        8. PaperSource
        9. PaperSourceKind
        10. PreviewPageInfo
        11. PreviewPrintController
        12. PrintController
        13. PrintDocument
        14. PrinterResolution
        15. PrinterResolutionKind
        16. PrinterSettings
        17. PrinterSettings.PaperSizeCollection
        18. PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection
        19. PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutionCollection
        20. PrinterSettings.StringCollection
        21. PrinterUnit
        22. PrinterUnitConvert
        23. PrintEventArgs
        24. PrintEventHandler
        25. PrintingPermission
        26. PrintingPermissionAttribute
        27. PrintingPermissionLevel
        28. PrintPageEventArgs
        29. PrintPageEventHandler
        30. PrintRange
        31. QueryPageSettingsEventArgs
        32. QueryPageSettingsEventHandler
        33. StandardPrintController
      8. 18. The System.Drawing.Text Namespace
        1. FontCollection
        2. GenericFontFamilies
        3. HotkeyPrefix
        4. InstalledFontCollection
        5. PrivateFontCollection
        6. TextRenderingHint
      9. 19. The System.Windows.Forms Namespace
        1. AccessibleEvents
        2. AccessibleNavigation
        3. AccessibleObject
        4. AccessibleRole
        5. AccessibleSelection
        6. AccessibleStates
        7. AmbientProperties
        8. AnchorStyles
        9. Appearance
        10. Application
        11. ApplicationContext
        12. ArrangeDirection
        13. ArrangeStartingPosition
        14. AxHost
        15. AxHost.ActiveXInvokeKind
        16. AxHost.AxComponentEditor
        17. AxHost.ClsidAttribute
        18. AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie
        19. AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException
        20. AxHost.State
        21. AxHost.StateConverter
        22. AxHost.TypeLibraryTimeStampAttribute
        23. BaseCollection
        24. Binding
        25. BindingContext
        26. BindingManagerBase
        27. BindingMemberInfo
        28. BindingsCollection
        29. BootMode
        30. Border3DSide
        31. Border3DStyle
        32. BorderStyle
        33. BoundsSpecified
        34. Button
        35. ButtonBase
        36. ButtonBase.ButtonBaseAccessibleObject
        37. ButtonBorderStyle
        38. ButtonState
        39. CaptionButton
        40. CharacterCasing
        41. CheckBox
        42. CheckBox.CheckBoxAccessibleObject
        43. CheckedListBox
        44. CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection
        45. CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection
        46. CheckedListBox.ObjectCollection
        47. CheckState
        48. Clipboard
        49. ColorDepth
        50. ColorDialog
        51. ColumnClickEventArgs
        52. ColumnClickEventHandler
        53. ColumnHeader
        54. ColumnHeaderStyle
        55. ComboBox
        56. ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject
        57. ComboBox.ObjectCollection
        58. ComboBoxStyle
        59. CommonDialog
        60. ContainerControl
        61. ContentsResizedEventArgs
        62. ContentsResizedEventHandler
        63. ContextMenu
        64. Control
        65. Control.ControlAccessibleObject
        66. Control.ControlCollection
        67. ControlBindingsCollection
        68. ControlEventArgs
        69. ControlEventHandler
        70. ControlPaint
        71. ControlStyles
        72. ConvertEventArgs
        73. ConvertEventHandler
        74. CreateParams
        75. CurrencyManager
        76. Cursor
        77. CursorConverter
        78. Cursors
        79. DataFormats
        80. DataFormats.Format
        81. DataGrid
        82. DataGrid.HitTestInfo
        83. DataGrid.HitTestType
        84. DataGridBoolColumn
        85. DataGridCell
        86. DataGridColumnStyle
        87. DataGridLineStyle
        88. DataGridParentRowsLabelStyle
        89. DataGridPreferredColumnWidthTypeConverter
        90. DataGridTableStyle
        91. DataGridTextBox
        92. DataGridTextBoxColumn
        93. DataObject
        94. DateBoldEventArgs
        95. DateBoldEventHandler
        96. DateRangeEventArgs
        97. DateRangeEventHandler
        98. DateTimePicker
        99. DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerAccessibleObject
        100. DateTimePickerFormat
        101. Day
        102. DialogResult
        103. DockStyle
        104. DomainUpDown
        105. DomainUpDown.DomainItemAccessibleObject
        106. DomainUpDown.DomainUpDownAccessibleObject
        107. DomainUpDown.DomainUpDownItemCollection
        108. DragAction
        109. DragDropEffects
        110. DragEventArgs
        111. DragEventHandler
        112. DrawItemEventArgs
        113. DrawItemEventHandler
        114. DrawItemState
        115. DrawMode
        116. ErrorBlinkStyle
        117. ErrorIconAlignment
        118. ErrorProvider
        119. FeatureSupport
        120. FileDialog
        121. FlatStyle
        122. FontDialog
        123. Form
        124. Form.ControlCollection
        125. FormBorderStyle
        126. FormStartPosition
        127. FormWindowState
        128. FrameStyle
        129. GiveFeedbackEventArgs
        130. GiveFeedbackEventHandler
        131. GridColumnStylesCollection
        132. GridItem
        133. GridItemCollection
        134. GridItemType
        135. GridTablesFactory
        136. GridTableStylesCollection
        137. GroupBox
        138. Help
        139. HelpEventArgs
        140. HelpEventHandler
        141. HelpNavigator
        142. HelpProvider
        143. HorizontalAlignment
        144. HScrollBar
        145. IButtonControl
        146. ICommandExecutor
        147. IComponentEditorPageSite
        148. IContainerControl
        149. IDataGridColumnStyleEditingNotificationService
        150. IDataGridEditingService
        151. IDataObject
        152. IFeatureSupport
        153. IFileReaderService
        154. ImageIndexConverter
        155. ImageList
        156. ImageList.ImageCollection
        157. ImageListStreamer
        158. ImeMode
        159. IMessageFilter
        160. InputLanguage
        161. InputLanguageChangedEventArgs
        162. InputLanguageChangedEventHandler
        163. InputLanguageChangingEventArgs
        164. InputLanguageChangingEventHandler
        165. InputLanguageCollection
        166. InvalidateEventArgs
        167. InvalidateEventHandler
        168. ItemActivation
        169. ItemBoundsPortion
        170. ItemChangedEventArgs
        171. ItemChangedEventHandler
        172. ItemCheckEventArgs
        173. ItemCheckEventHandler
        174. ItemDragEventArgs
        175. ItemDragEventHandler
        176. IWin32Window
        177. IWindowTarget
        178. KeyEventArgs
        179. KeyEventHandler
        180. KeyPressEventArgs
        181. KeyPressEventHandler
        182. Keys
        183. KeysConverter
        184. Label
        185. LabelEditEventArgs
        186. LabelEditEventHandler
        187. LayoutEventArgs
        188. LayoutEventHandler
        189. LeftRightAlignment
        190. LinkArea
        191. LinkArea.LinkAreaConverter
        192. LinkBehavior
        193. LinkClickedEventArgs
        194. LinkClickedEventHandler
        195. LinkLabel
        196. LinkLabel.Link
        197. LinkLabel.LinkCollection
        198. LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs
        199. LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler
        200. LinkState
        201. ListBindingConverter
        202. ListBox
        203. ListBox.ObjectCollection
        204. ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection
        205. ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection
        206. ListControl
        207. ListView
        208. ListView.CheckedIndexCollection
        209. ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection
        210. ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection
        211. ListView.ListViewItemCollection
        212. ListView.SelectedIndexCollection
        213. ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection
        214. ListViewAlignment
        215. ListViewItem
        216. ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem
        217. ListViewItem.ListViewSubItemCollection
        218. ListViewItemConverter
        219. MainMenu
        220. MdiClient
        221. MdiClient.ControlCollection
        222. MdiLayout
        223. MeasureItemEventArgs
        224. MeasureItemEventHandler
        225. Menu
        226. Menu.MenuItemCollection
        227. MenuGlyph
        228. MenuItem
        229. MenuMerge
        230. Message
        231. MessageBox
        232. MessageBoxButtons
        233. MessageBoxDefaultButton
        234. MessageBoxIcon
        235. MessageBoxOptions
        236. MethodInvoker
        237. MonthCalendar
        238. MonthCalendar.HitArea
        239. MonthCalendar.HitTestInfo
        240. MouseButtons
        241. MouseEventArgs
        242. MouseEventHandler
        243. NativeWindow
        244. NavigateEventArgs
        245. NavigateEventHandler
        246. NodeLabelEditEventArgs
        247. NodeLabelEditEventHandler
        248. NotifyIcon
        249. NumericUpDown
        250. OpacityConverter
        251. OpenFileDialog
        252. Orientation
        253. OSFeature
        254. OwnerDrawPropertyBag
        255. PageSetupDialog
        256. PaintEventArgs
        257. PaintEventHandler
        258. Panel
        259. PictureBox
        260. PictureBoxSizeMode
        261. PrintControllerWithStatusDialog
        262. PrintDialog
        263. PrintPreviewControl
        264. PrintPreviewDialog
        265. ProgressBar
        266. PropertyGrid
        267. PropertyGrid.PropertyTabCollection
        268. PropertyManager
        269. PropertySort
        270. PropertyTabChangedEventArgs
        271. PropertyTabChangedEventHandler
        272. PropertyValueChangedEventArgs
        273. PropertyValueChangedEventHandler
        274. QueryAccessibilityHelpEventArgs
        275. QueryAccessibilityHelpEventHandler
        276. QueryContinueDragEventArgs
        277. QueryContinueDragEventHandler
        278. RadioButton
        279. RadioButton.RadioButtonAccessibleObject
        280. RichTextBox
        281. RichTextBoxFinds
        282. RichTextBoxScrollBars
        283. RichTextBoxSelectionAttribute
        284. RichTextBoxSelectionTypes
        285. RichTextBoxStreamType
        286. RichTextBoxWordPunctuations
        287. RightToLeft
        288. SaveFileDialog
        289. Screen
        290. ScrollableControl
        291. ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges
        292. ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter
        293. ScrollBar
        294. ScrollBars
        295. ScrollButton
        296. ScrollEventArgs
        297. ScrollEventHandler
        298. ScrollEventType
        299. SecurityIDType
        300. SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs
        301. SelectedGridItemChangedEventHandler
        302. SelectionMode
        303. SelectionRange
        304. SelectionRangeConverter
        305. SendKeys
        306. Shortcut
        307. SizeGripStyle
        308. SortOrder
        309. Splitter
        310. SplitterEventArgs
        311. SplitterEventHandler
        312. StatusBar
        313. StatusBar.StatusBarPanelCollection
        314. StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs
        315. StatusBarDrawItemEventHandler
        316. StatusBarPanel
        317. StatusBarPanelAutoSize
        318. StatusBarPanelBorderStyle
        319. StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs
        320. StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler
        321. StatusBarPanelStyle
        322. StructFormat
        323. SystemInformation
        324. TabAlignment
        325. TabAppearance
        326. TabControl
        327. TabControl.ControlCollection
        328. TabControl.TabPageCollection
        329. TabDrawMode
        330. TabPage
        331. TabPage.TabPageControlCollection
        332. TabSizeMode
        333. TextBox
        334. TextBoxBase
        335. ThreadExceptionDialog
        336. TickStyle
        337. Timer
        338. ToolBar
        339. ToolBar.ToolBarButtonCollection
        340. ToolBarAppearance
        341. ToolBarButton
        342. ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs
        343. ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler
        344. ToolBarButtonStyle
        345. ToolBarTextAlign
        346. ToolTip
        347. TrackBar
        348. TreeNode
        349. TreeNodeCollection
        350. TreeNodeConverter
        351. TreeView
        352. TreeViewAction
        353. TreeViewCancelEventArgs
        354. TreeViewCancelEventHandler
        355. TreeViewEventArgs
        356. TreeViewEventHandler
        357. TreeViewImageIndexConverter
        358. UICues
        359. UICuesEventArgs
        360. UICuesEventHandler
        361. UpDownBase
        362. UpDownEventArgs
        363. UpDownEventHandler
        364. UserControl
        365. View
        366. VScrollBar
      10. 20. The System.Windows.Forms.Design Namespace
        1. AnchorEditor
        2. AxImporter
        3. AxImporter.IReferenceResolver
        4. AxImporter.Options
        5. AxParameterData
        6. AxWrapperGen
        7. ComponentDocumentDesigner
        8. ComponentEditorForm
        9. ComponentEditorPage
        10. ComponentTray
        11. ControlDesigner
        12. ControlDesigner.ControlDesignerAccessibleObject
        13. DockEditor
        14. DocumentDesigner
        15. EventHandlerService
        16. EventsTab
        17. FileNameEditor
        18. FolderNameEditor
        19. IMenuEditorService
        20. IUIService
        21. IWindowsFormsEditorService
        22. MenuCommands
        23. ParentControlDesigner
        24. PropertyTab
        25. ScrollableControlDesigner
        26. SelectionRules
        27. WindowsFormsComponentEditor
    4. III. Appendixes
      1. A. Namespaces and Assemblies
      2. B. Type, Method, Property, Event, and Field Index
    5. Index
    6. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: .NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
  • Author(s): Ian Griffiths, Matthew Adams
  • Release date: March 2003
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596003388