


This enumeration lists the types of record that can be defined in a GDI+-format enhanced metafile (EMF). Note that GDI+ extends the standard EMF format with several new record types. You can play records from a metafile using the Metafile.PlayRecord() method.

public enum EmfPlusRecordType {

   EmfMin = 1,

   EmfHeader = 1,

   EmfPolyBezier = 2,

   EmfPolygon = 3,

   EmfPolyline = 4,

   EmfPolyBezierTo = 5,

   EmfPolyLineTo = 6,

   EmfPolyPolyline = 7,

   EmfPolyPolygon = 8,

   EmfSetWindowExtEx = 9,

   EmfSetWindowOrgEx = 10,

   EmfSetViewportExtEx = 11,

   EmfSetViewportOrgEx = 12,

   EmfSetBrushOrgEx = 13,

   EmfEof = 14,

   EmfSetPixelV = 15,

   EmfSetMapperFlags = 16,

   EmfSetMapMode = 17,

   EmfSetBkMode = 18,

   EmfSetPolyFillMode = 19,

   EmfSetROP2 = 20,

   EmfSetStretchBltMode = 21,

   EmfSetTextAlign = 22,

   EmfSetColorAdjustment = 23,

   EmfSetTextColor = 24,

   EmfSetBkColor = 25,

   EmfOffsetClipRgn = 26,

   EmfMoveToEx = 27,

   EmfSetMetaRgn = 28,

   EmfExcludeClipRect = 29,

   EmfIntersectClipRect = 30,

   EmfScaleViewportExtEx = 31,

   EmfScaleWindowExtEx = 32,

   EmfSaveDC = 33,

   EmfRestoreDC = 34,

   EmfSetWorldTransform = 35,

   EmfModifyWorldTransform = 36,

   EmfSelectObject = 37,

   EmfCreatePen = 38,

   EmfCreateBrushIndirect = 39,

   EmfDeleteObject = 40,

   EmfAngleArc = 41,

   EmfEllipse = 42,

   EmfRectangle = 43,

   EmfRoundRect = 44,

   EmfRoundArc = 45,

   EmfChord = 46,

   EmfPie = 47,

   EmfSelectPalette = 48,

   EmfCreatePalette = 49,

   EmfSetPaletteEntries = 50,

   EmfResizePalette = 51,

   EmfRealizePalette = 52,

   EmfExtFloodFill = 53,

   EmfLineTo = 54,

   EmfArcTo = 55

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