This enumeration lists all the raw key values. The enumeration sports
the FlagsAttribute
, and you can therefore combine
the key codes in a bitwise manner to indicate multiple keys pressed
simultaneously. In particular, this supports modifier keys such as
, and
public enum Keys { None = 0x00000000, LButton = 0x00000001, RButton = 0x00000002, Cancel = 0x00000003, MButton = 0x00000004, XButton1 = 0x00000005, XButton2 = 0x00000006, Back = 0x00000008, Tab = 0x00000009, LineFeed = 0x0000000A, Clear = 0x0000000C, Return = 0x0000000D, Enter = 0x0000000D, ShiftKey = 0x00000010, ControlKey = 0x00000011, Menu = 0x00000012, Pause = 0x00000013, CapsLock = 0x00000014, Capital = 0x00000014, KanaMode = 0x00000015, HanguelMode = 0x00000015, HangulMode = 0x00000015, JunjaMode = 0x00000017, FinalMode = 0x00000018, KanjiMode = 0x00000019, HanjaMode = 0x00000019, Escape = 0x0000001B, IMEConvert = 0x0000001C, IMENonconvert = 0x0000001D, IMEAceept = 0x0000001E, IMEModeChange = 0x0000001F, Space = 0x00000020, PageUp = 0x00000021, Prior = 0x00000021, PageDown = 0x00000022, Next = 0x00000022, End = 0x00000023, Home = 0x00000024, Left = 0x00000025, Up = 0x00000026, Right = 0x00000027, Down = 0x00000028, Select = 0x00000029, Print = 0x0000002A, Execute = 0x0000002B, PrintScreen = 0x0000002C, Snapshot = 0x0000002C, Insert = 0x0000002D, Delete = 0x0000002E, Help = 0x0000002F, D0 = 0x00000030, D1 = 0x00000031, D2 = 0x00000032, D3 = 0x00000033, D4 = 0x00000034, D5 = 0x00000035 ...
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