XmlTextReader — System.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0 class
public class XmlTextReader : XmlReader, IXmlLineInfo { // Public Constructors public XmlTextReader( System.IO.Stream input); public XmlTextReader( System.IO.Stream input, XmlNameTable nt); public XmlTextReader( System.IO.Stream xmlFragment, XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context); public XmlTextReader( string url); public XmlTextReader( string url, System.IO.Stream input); public XmlTextReader( string url, System.IO.Stream input, XmlNameTable nt); public XmlTextReader( string url, System.IO.TextReader input); public XmlTextReader( string url, System.IO.TextReader input, XmlNameTable nt); public XmlTextReader( string url, XmlNameTable nt); public XmlTextReader( string xmlFragment, XmlNodeType fragType, XmlParserContext context); public XmlTextReader( System.IO.TextReader input); public XmlTextReader( System.IO.TextReader input, XmlNameTable nt); // Protected Constructors protected XmlTextReader( ); protected XmlTextReader( XmlNameTable nt); // Public Instance Properties public override int AttributeCount{get; } // overrides XmlReader public override string BaseURI{get; } // overrides XmlReader public override int Depth{get; } // overrides XmlReader public Encoding Encoding{get; } public override bool EOF{get; } // overrides XmlReader public override bool HasValue{get; } // overrides XmlReader public override bool IsDefault{get; } // overrides XmlReader public override bool IsEmptyElement{get; ...
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