8.2. Identity Authentication
The policy engine is at the core of the authentication process for the NAC-based network. Authentication is a process of determining whether a user or a device (identity) is really what it claims to be:
Identity without authentication is like a hostess at a restaurant asking for your name to ensure a reservation.
Maybe you can lie and get away with it (until the real party of seven shows).
Identity with authentication is like a police officer asking for your driver's license after a traffic violation.
The officer and his network will verify your identity to make sure that you're who you say you are.
With NAC, you can find out who the user or device is before you attach that user or device to the network.
8.2.1. Collecting identity
Although different NAC vendors support different methods of collecting identity, the typical first step in validating identity for access control is to collect the identity's ...
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