Appendix A. References

Chapter 1

100th Congress. Computer Security Act of 1987. Public Law 100-235. (accessed June 2004).

CERT. Denial of Service Attacks. (accessed August 2003).

CNN/Technology. Hacker Accesses 5.6 Million Credit Cards. February 18, 2003. (accessed 15 December 2004).

Computer Security Institute. Cyber Crime Bleeds U.S. Corporations, Survey Shows; Financial Losses from Attacks Climb for Third Year in a Row. April 7, 2002.; jsessionid=J5CTJV4ZKSD3MQSNDBGCKHSCJUMEKJVN?_requestid=219439 (accessed 15 December 2004).

DefCon II. Wardriving Statistics. Las Vegas, NV. ...

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