Chapter 6
Unified Framework and Capacitated Network Reliability
In the design of communication networks, reliability has emerged as an important parameter due to the fact that failure of these networks affects its user adversely. The interest in the area of reliability evaluation is quite evident from numerous formulations of network reliability problems and articles appearing in the literature for the past couple of decades. This has resulted in the evaluation of various methodologies, techniques and algorithms to tackle these problems in an efficient and effective manner.
Briefly speaking, the two-terminal, k-terminal, and g-terminal reliability analysis techniques for general reliability structures include serial-reduction/parallel-combination, event-space enumeration, cutset/pathset unionizations, and pivotal decomposition using keystone components etcetera. Event-space enumeration is a sure-fire method but the enumerative efforts are excessive even for a small structure. An extensive work has been done for determining the network reliability measures, viz., two-, g-, and k-terminal reliability. This chapter provides a minimal cutset based unified framework to evaluate 2-,g-, and k-terminal reliability using MVI-SDP approach (Mishra & Chaturvedi, 2009).
6.1 The Unified Framework
In earlier Chapters, the methodology and usefulness of the MVI-SDP approach have been demonstrated to obtain reliability expression and its numerical value in a straight forward manner. However, the ...
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