Chapter 17. Network Architecture Fundamentals
Understanding different types of networks
Reviewing Network Address Translation
Discussing basic network architecture issues
Understanding subnets and switching
Understanding system design for insider threat
Network communication has been a very significant development over the past 25 years. In particular, the 1990s saw a huge expansion of public access and public-oriented communication networks that had the ability to bind the entire world into a single network. Current networking technology has its roots in military and academic research projects initiated in the 1970s. Thus, networks are no longer a prerogative for the exclusive, but an essential tool and object in the routine life of everybody. The architecture of public networks and, more important, the Internet is very complex and sophisticated. Some of the vital applications and components incorporated into present day networks include the following:
Web browsing
File transfers
Remote logins
Security services
Organizations such as the IETF and IEEE continually endeavor to enhance these vital components of public networks. This chapter focuses on some of the basic network components used in the present Internet and other network technology (most important, network security services).
Network Segments
Over the past few years, there has been a heavy integration of network technologies, which has created highly unified and global network architectures. ...
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