Chapter 3. Privacy and Anonymity
It’s been said before, but it’s truer now than ever: the Internet can be a scary place. Performing banking transactions, filing taxes, paying bills, and buying and selling goods online—all of these things were unheard of in the early days of the Internet. However, as people and businesses have become increasingly savvy in the electronic world, so have the crooks that prey on them. In addition, the increased scrutiny of people’s online identities by governments, employers, and other organizations might make you think twice about what you say the next time you post on a public message board.
Because of this, it’s important to take precautions to safeguard your identity and take control of your information online. This chapter provides you with a few ways to do just that. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to protect your privacy and remain anonymous while using the Internet. You’ll also learn how to encrypt your files and email using strong encryption. Finally, you’ll learn how to guard against phishing attacks and how to easily use different passwords for each web site you use without struggling to keep track of them.
Evade Traffic Analysis
Use transparent onion routing to evade traffic analysis and protect your privacy.
Privacy is something most people value, or at least think they do, but in our ever-connected world it’s becoming quite a rare commodity. Every packet your computer sends out onto the Internet is ultimately traceable back to you (the ...
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