
NASL provides a rich library for string manipulation. When scanning for vulnerabilities, outgoing requests and incoming responses contain data presented to NASL plug-ins as strings, so it is important to learn how to best utilize the available string API. This section discusses NASL-provided functions for pattern matching, simple string manipulation and conversion, and other miscellaneous string-related functions.

Simple string manipulation functions

The chomp() function takes in a string as a parameter and strips away any carriage returns, line feeds, tabs, or whitespace at the end of the string. For example:

mystring='abcd \t\r\n';
display ('BEGIN',chomp(mystring),'END\n');

displays BEGINabcdEND on one line.

The crap( ) function is used to fill a buffer with repeated occurrences of a specified string. The function takes in two parameters, length and data. The length parameter specifies the length of the string to be returned, while the data parameter specifies the string that should be used to fill the buffer. For example, crap(length:10,data:'a') returns aaaaaaaaaa. If data is not specified, a default value of X is used.

To perform string concatenation, you can use the strcat( ) function. This function also converts given variables to strings when performing concatenation. The following example causes the value of mystring to be set to abcdefgh123:


Finding and replacing strings

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