
Troubleshooting VoIP and SIP on CME is pretty straightforward, but as with any feature on Cisco equipment, you need to know the magic commands that show the useful bits of information.

Phone Registration

When phones register properly, they will generate console messages, which you can see through Telnet or SSH if you’ve issued the terminal monitor command. Here are the console messages that resulted when I turned on my softphone:

Feb  3 01:44:52.667: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_NORMAL: ephone-10:SEP001C42D1565D
IP: Socket:7 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered normally.
Feb  3 01:45:32.264: %IPPHONE-6-REG_ALARM: 25: Name=SEP001C42D1565D Load=
Feb  3 01:45:32.268: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-10:SEP001C42D1565D IP:
Socket:8 DeviceType:Phone has registered.

Here’s the message that resulted when I stopped the program without properly shutting it down (similar to unplugging an IP phone):

Feb  3 02:08:03.692: %IPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER_ABNORMAL: ephone-10:SEP001C42D1565D
IP: Socket:7 DeviceType:Phone has unregistered abnormally.

To see if your ephones are properly registered, use the show ephone command. Here, you can see that the first two configured ephones are not registered, but the third phone has registered properly. You can see which buttons are configured, which numbers are assigned to those buttons, and in what way:

R1-PBX#sho ephone ephone-1[0] Mac:0019.AA96.D096 TCP socket:[-1] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 UNREGISTERED mediaActive:0 ...

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