Chapter 8: Windows Commands
In This Chapter
Getting started with a command window
Taking advantage of command tricks and techniques
Looking at batch files
Using the amazing Net commands
Although Windows sports a fancy graphical interface that makes it possible to perform most network management tasks by pointing and clicking, you can also do almost any network management task from a command prompt. Whether you choose to do so is largely a matter of personal style. Some network administrators pride themselves on being able to type Windows commands blindfolded and with two fingers on each hand tied behind their backs. Others have fully embraced the graphical user interface and think the command line is for administrators with Unix envy.
So the choice is yours. Skip this chapter if the thought of typing commands causes you to lose sleep. If you’re willing to venture forth, this chapter begins with an overview of working from the command prompt. Then it describes some of the more useful Windows commands. Finally, this chapter introduces the fine (and almost lost) art of writing batch ...