Chapter 1
Welcome to Network Administration
Deciphering the many jobs of the network administrator
Dusting, vacuuming, and mopping
Managing the network users
Choosing the right tools
Getting certified
Help wanted. Network administrator to help small business get control of a network run amok. Must have sound organizational and management skills. Only moderate computer experience required. Part-time only.
Does this ad sound like one that your company should run? Every network needs a network administrator, whether the network has 2 computers or 200. Of course, managing a 200-computer network is a full-time job, whereas managing a 2-computer network isn’t. At least, it shouldn’t be.
This chapter introduces you to the boring job of network administration. Oops … you’re probably reading this chapter because you’ve been elected to be the network manager, so I’d better rephrase that: This chapter introduces you to the wonderful, exciting world of network management! Oh, ...
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