Chapter 5

Solving Network Problems


check Checking the obvious things

check Fixing computers that have expired

check Pinpointing the cause of trouble

check Restarting client and server computers

check Reviewing network event logs

check Keeping a record of network woes

Face it: Networks are prone to breaking.

They have too many parts. Cables. Connectors. Cards. Switches. Routers. All these parts must be held together in a delicate balance, and the network equilibrium is all too easy to disturb. Even the best-designed computer networks sometimes act as if they’re held together with baling wire, chewing gum, and duct tape.

To make matters worse, networks breed suspicion. After your computer is attached to a network, users begin to blame the network every time something goes wrong, regardless of whether the problem has anything to do with the network. You can’t get columns to line up in a Word document? Must ...

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