© Richard McKeon 2018
Richard McKeonNeural Networks for Electronics Hobbyistshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3507-2_3

3. Electronic Components

Richard McKeon1 
Prescott, Arizona, USA

In this chapter, we are going to introduce the electronic components that we’ll be using to build our hardware-based neural network to solve the XOR problem (not that it’s a “problem” it’s just a logic function). If you like to dabble with electronic projects, I think you will have some fun with this one.

But, even if you have never done a project like this before, don’t be afraid to give it a try! It’s all pretty simple, and we’ll take it one little step at a time. There are no high voltages, so don’t worry about getting shocked or burning the house down. We will ...

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