CHAPTER 1neuroAi for Marketers, Product Designers, and Executives

In short order, LLMs will become one of the most current, important, and ongoing topics of conversation worldwide.

Why? And what are LLMs?

This chapter will take you through the inner workings of GenAi, including large language models – that is, LLMs. With this compelling technology rapidly encircling the globe and penetrating into every corner of commerce and personal life, it makes sense to attain a working grasp of the fundamentals. Soon, fluency with this knowledge will be as necessary, and expected, a basic job and life skill as is our daily reliance on digital communications.

So let's learn about transformers, encoders, decoders, tokens, and the ultimate goal post, the Holy Grail of AI: artificial general intelligence.

It used to be the running joke in AI – that a million monkeys pounding out random keystrokes would hardly produce Shakespeare. It appears that the primates in San Francisco have done just that. The question is how? This chapter lays out the core elements of transformer technology. The goal is to give you a rudimentary understanding of the elements that go into it, but also stimulate a desire in you to build your own transformer for your own industry – whether you make fragrance, flavors, music, or floral arrangements. Understanding transformers will facilitate a newer way to think of your enterprise data.

It has been the lament of CTOs and marketers that despite the numerous “data lakes” ...

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