Tip 6Be Stylish
White Belt[​​White Belt] Writing code with good style helps well before the professional world.

These two functions do exactly the same thing:

fibonacci(​unsigned​ ​int​ n)
if​ (n == 0 || n == 1) {
return​ n;
else​ {
uint64_t previous = 0;
uint64_t current = 1;
while​ (--n > 0) {
uint64_t sum = previous + current;
previous = current;
current = sum;
return​ current;
unsigned​ ​long​ ​long​ fbncci(​unsigned​ ​int​ quux) { ​if
(quux == 0 || quux == 1) { ​return​ quux; } ​else​ {
unsigned​ ​long​ ​long​ foo = 0; ​unsigned​ ​long​ ​long​ bar
= 1; ​while​ (--quux ...

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