Chapter 23 Employee benefits
2 Comparison between Sections 28, previous UK GAAP and IFRS
2.1 Key differences from previous UK GAAP
2.1.2 Defined benefit pension schemes
- 2.1.2.A Net interest
- 2.1.2.B Past service costs
- 2.1.2.C Group schemes
- 2.1.2.D Multi-employer schemes
- 2.1.2.E Pension surpluses
- 2.1.2.F Presentation
2.2.2 Asset ceilings and IFRIC 14 guidance
2.2.3 Attributing benefit to years of service
3 The requirements of section 28 for employee benefits
3.2 Scope and general recognition principles
3.3 Short-term employee benefits
3.4.1 Distinction between defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans
3.4.2 Multi-employer and state plans
3.5 Defined contribution plans
3.6.2 Measurement of plan liabilities
- 3.6.2.A Legal and constructive obligations
- 3.6.2.B Discount rate
- 3.6.2.C Actuarial methodology
- 3.6.2.D Actuarial assumptions
- 3.6.2.E Frequency of valuations and use of an independent actuary
3.6.3 Measurement of plan assets
3.6.5 Plan introductions, changes, curtailments and settlements
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