Newnes Digital Logic IC Pocket Book

Book description

This handy reference guide to modern '74'- series and '4000'- series digital ICs presents 620 useful and carefully selected circuits, diagrams, graphs and tables, supported by informative text and captions. Detailed descriptions of and practical applications information on more than 185 TTL and CMOS ICs are provided.This wealth of information is clearly and logically arranged so that specific information can be quickly and easily located. Fifteen chapters cover from IC basics and TTL and CMOS principles, to the practical circuitry of logic ICs, waveform generators and multiplexers. While aimed at practical design engineers and technicians, this pocket book will also be of use to amateurs and students of electronics. The subject is dealt with in a readable and essentially non-mathematical manner, with the emphasis on practical 'user' information and circuitry.

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. Copyright
  6. Preface
  7. Chapter 1: Digital Logic IC Basics
    1. Digital Logic IC Basics
    2. Digital Waveform Basics
    3. Basic Logic-IC Families
    4. Basic TTL Circuit Variations
    5. The ‘74’-series of Digital ICs
  8. Chapter 2: The ‘74’-series of Digital ICs
    1. The ‘74’-series of Digital ICs
    2. TTL Sub-families
    3. CMOS ‘74’-series Sub-families
    4. Which Logic Family is Best?
    5. Which ‘74’-series Sub-family is Best?
    6. TTL Logic Levels and Noise Immunity
    7. Fan-in and Fan-out
    8. TTL Basic Usage Rules
  9. Chapter 3: TLL Basic Usage Rules
    1. TTL Basic Usage Rules
    2. Power Supplies
    3. Input Signals
    4. Unused Inputs
    5. Interfacing
  10. Chapter 4: Modern CMOS Digital ICs
    1. CMOS Basics
    2. The ‘4000A’-series of ICs
    3. The ‘4000B’-series of ICs
    4. The ‘4500B’-series of ICs
    5. ‘Fast’ CMOS ICs
    6. CMOS ‘74’-series sub-families
    7. Basic CMOS Circuit Variations
    8. CMOS Basic Usage Rules
    9. Handling CMOS
    10. CMOS Supply Pin Notations
  11. Chapter 5: Using the 4007UB CMOS IC
    1. 4007UB Basics
    2. Using the 4007UB
    3. Practical Circuits: Digital
    4. Practical Circuits: Linear
    5. ‘Micropower’ Circuits
    6. Practical Circuits: Astables
  12. Chapter 6: Buffer, Gate, and Logic IC Circuits
    1. Logic Gate Symbology
    2. Logic Gate Functions
    3. Positive Versus Negative Logic
    4. Practical Buffer IC Circuits
    5. Practical Inverter IC Circuits
    6. Practical AND-gate IC Circuits
    7. Practical NAND-gate IC Circuits
    8. Practical OR-Gate IC Circuits
    9. Practical NOR-gate IC Circuits
    10. Practical EX-OR and EX-NOR IC Circuits
    11. Mixed Gate ICs
    12. A ‘Programmable’ Logic IC
    13. ‘Majority Logic’ Circuits
    14. Assertion-level Logic Notion
    15. Mixed Logic Equivalents
    16. Digital ‘Transmission’ Gates
  13. Chapter 7: Bilateral Switches and Selectors
    1. Basic Principles
    2. Switch Biasing
    3. Logic Level Conversion
    4. Multiplexing/demultiplexing
    5. Practical ICs
    6. Using ‘4016/4066’ ICs
    7. Digital Control Circuits
    8. Synthesized Multi-gang Pots, etc.
    9. Miscellaneous Applications
  14. Chapter 8: Pulse Generator Circuits
    1. Waveform Generator Basics
    2. Schmitt Edge Detector Circuits
    3. Bistable Waveform Generators
    4. Monostable Pulse Generator Basics
    5. Simple CMOS Monostable Circuits
    6. CMOS ‘flip-flop’ Monostable Circuits
    7. TTL Monostable IC Circuits
    8. ‘4000’-series Monostable ICs
    9. ‘74HC’-series Monostable ICs
  15. Chapter 9: Squarewave Generator Circuits
    1. TTL Schmitt Astable Circuits
    2. CMOS Schmitt Astable Circuits
    3. 2-stage CMOS Astable Basics
    4. 2-stage Astable Variations
    5. Gated 2-stage Astable Circuits
    6. CMOS Ring-of-three Astable
    7. CMOS 555 IC Circuits
    8. 4046B VCO Circuits
    9. A TTL Crystal Oscillator
  16. Chapter 10: Clocked Flip-flops
    1. Clocked Flip-flop Basics
    2. The master–slave Flip-flop
    3. D and JK Flip-flops
    4. Practical TTL Flip-flop ICs
    5. Practical 74HC-series Flip-flop ICs
    6. Practical ‘4000’-series Flip-flop ICs
    7. Circuit Diagram Symbology
    8. Ripple Counters
    9. Practical Ripple Counter ICs
    10. Output Decoding
    11. Walking-ring Counters
    12. The ‘Johnson’ Counter
    13. The 4018B Divide-by-N counter
    14. Greater-than-10 Division
  17. Chapter 11: Binary and Decade Counter ICs
    1. ‘Count’ Direction
    2. Synchronous or Asynchronous Counting?
    3. Counter ‘Coding’ Systems
    4. Counter Configurations
    5. The 74LS90 IC
    6. The 74LS390 IC
    7. The 74HC393 Dual Binary Divider IC
    8. The 4017 Decade Counter IC
    9. The 4022B Octal Counter IC
    10. Synchronous ‘UP’ Counter ICs
    11. The 4026B and 4033B Counter ICs
    12. The 4518B and 4520B Counter ICs
  18. Chapter 12: Special Counter/dividers
    1. Directional Control
    2. ‘Programmable’ Counter Basics
    3. ‘Down’ Counters
    4. PDDC Applications
    5. The 4522B and 4526B ICs
    6. The 40102B and 40103B ICs
    7. ‘Up/down’ Counters
    8. ‘Add/subtract’ Circuits
    9. ‘Up/down’ Counter ICs
    10. The 4029B UDC IC
    11. The 4510B and 4516B UDC ICs
    12. The 40192B and 40193B UDC ICs
    13. The 74LS/HC190 and 74LS/HC191 UDC ICs
    14. The 74LS/HC192 and 74LS/HC193 UDC ICs
    15. Counter Conversions
  19. Chapter 13: Latches, Registers, Comparators and Converters
    1. Data Latches
    2. Data Latch ICs
    3. Shift Registers
    4. Logic Comparators
    5. Code Converters
    6. Multi-digit Displays
    7. TTL Decoder/driver ICs
    8. CMOS Decoder/driver ICs
  20. Chapter 14: Special-purpose ICs and Circuits
    1. Multiplexing Basics
    2. Popular Multiplexer ICs
    3. Popular Demultiplexer ICs
    4. Addressable Latches
    5. Full-adder ICs
    6. Bus Transceiver ICs
    7. Using Open-drain Outputs
    8. Miscellaneous Digital IC Types
  21. Chapter 15: Circuit Miscellany
    1. Alarm-call Generators
    2. Self-latching Circuits
    3. Power Boosters
    4. Multitone Alarms
    5. Security Alarms
    6. DC Lamp Dimmer
    7. Manual Clocking
    8. 4046B PLL Circuits
    9. Frequency Synthesis
    10. A CMOS Multi-decade Crystal Calibrator
  22. Appendix
  23. Index

Product information

  • Title: Newnes Digital Logic IC Pocket Book
  • Author(s): R MARSTON
  • Release date: October 1996
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9780080938554