Selecting and Using Lenses for the Nikon D7000

The choice of lenses today is much more vast than it was just as little as five years ago. With the advent of dSLRs and the DX sensor format, most camera and lens manufacturers quickly realized that the standard focal lengths being used for traditional film SLR cameras were not quite adequate. The demand for true wide-angle lenses was great and the increasing resolution of sensors led lens manufacturers to come up with new lens designs optimized for the digital era. This has benefited today's digital photographers because lenses today are truly the world's best and are affordable. With the multitude of lenses available today, selecting one can be a daunting task. This chapter gives you some background on the different types of lenses available.


The ability to use a variety of lenses is one of the main advantages of using a dSLR camera.

Intro to Lenses

A lens is one of the most important parts of a photographer's kit, arguably more important than the camera body itself because a good lens usually outlives the camera body — especially in a day and age when camera bodies are upgraded once a year or more. A lot of my lenses have been with me for more than a decade, while I've been through about a dozen camera bodies.

There are many different types of lenses, and each type allows you to portray your subjects in a different manner. ...

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