Choosing Basic Picture Settings

In This Chapter

arrow Spinning the Mode dial

arrow Changing the shutter-release mode

arrow Choosing the right Image Size setting

arrow Understanding the Image Quality setting: JPEG or Raw?

arrow Taking advantage of the 1.3x crop option (Image Area setting)

Every camera manufacturer strives to provide a good out-of-box experience — that is, to ensure that your initial encounter with the camera is a happy one. To that end, the camera’s default settings are selected to make it easy for you to take a good picture the first time you press the shutter button.

Although the default settings produce a nice picture in many cases, they’re not designed to produce the optimal results in every situation. You may be able to use the defaults to take a decent portrait, for example, but you probably need to tweak a few settings to capture action. Adjusting a few options can help turn that decent ...

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