Nim Reference

Common constructs

const x = 5 Compile-time constant
let y = "Hello" Immutable binding
var z = [1, 2, 3] Mutable variable
proc name(param: int): ReturnType = body
method name(param: float): ReturnType = body
iterator items(list: seq[int]): int = body
template name(param: typed) = body
macro name(param: string): untyped = body
if x > 5: bodyelif y == "Hello": bodyelse: body case xof 5: bodyof 1, 2, 3: bodyof 6..30: body
for item in list: body for i in 0..<len(list): body
while x == 5: if y.len > 0: break else: continue try: raise errexcept Exception as exc: echo(exc.msg)finally: discard


echo(x, 42, "text") readFile("file.txt")
stdout.write("text ...

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