
This book is, in many ways, a distillation of my life and learning—so far. I’m grateful to many people for helping me arrive at this place where my talent, passion, and the market all intersect.

First and foremost, I send my gratitude to my clients. Without you, there is no impetus for growth. I’ve been greatly influenced by our partnerships. A special word of thanks to: Kathy Miller, Dave Keil, Dave Gould, Ed Murray, Mike Sullivan, Steve Schlesinger, and Dave Finney, among many others.

Thank you to my colleagues, mentors, and advisors: Mark Levy, Gabe Kahan, Alan Weiss, Dorie Clark, and to the many Lisas in my life.

Heartfelt thanks to Rod Canion and my colleagues from Compaq Computer, who showed me what was possible with no ...

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