Creating view files

In this section, we will use the same view files used in Chapter 01 for the following files:

  • views / partials / javascripts.ejs
  • views / partials / stylesheets.ejs
  • views / pages / login.ejs
  • views / pages / signup.ejs
  • views / pages / profile.ejs
  • views / pages / index.ejs
  • views / pages / comments.js
  • views / pages / error.ejs

As previously commented, you can download these files from the Packt website or the official  GitHub repository of the book.

In addition to these files, we will create the views files for the photos and videos page, and add these routes to the application menu:

  1. Create a file called footer.ejs inside the views/partials folder and add the following code:
     <footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <span>&copy 2016. ...

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