Creating the baseline application

We will use the same version of the express-generator that we used in Chapter 4, Don't Take a Photograph, Make it - An App for Photographers. This time, we do not need any additional modules to complete our task:

  1. Create a folder called chapter05.
  2. Open your terminal/shell within the chapter05 folder and type the following command:
          yo express


    Note that we already installed the generator-express in chapter 04, Don't Take a Photograph, Make it - An App for Photographers.

  3. Now, fill in the questions in this order:
    • Choose N: we have already created a folder
    • Choose MVC: for the application type
    • Choose Swig: for the template engine
    • Choose None: for the CSS preprocessor
    • Choose MongoDb: for the database
    • Choose Gulp: for LiveReload ...

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