The db-userauth container

Now that we have a network, we can start connecting containers to that network. And then we'll explore the containers to see how private they are.

Create a script,, containing:

docker run --name db-userauth --env MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true \     --env MYSQL_USER=userauth --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=userauth \     --env MYSQL_DATABASE=userauth \     --volume `pwd`/my.cnf:/etc/my.cnf \    --volume `pwd`/../userauth-data:/var/lib/mysql \     --network authnet mysql/mysql-server:5.7

On Windows, you will need to name the script startdb.ps1 instead, and put the text all on one line rather than extend the lines with backslashes. And, the volume mounted on /var/lib/mysql must be created separately. Use these commands instead: ...

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