7.3    Extensions to a General Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems

In this section, we extend the results of the previous sections to a more general class of discrete-time nonlinear systems that may not necessarily be affine in u and w. We consider the general class of systems described by the state-space equations on Xn containing the origin {0}:

d:{ xk+1=F(xk,wk,uk);x(k0)=x0zk=Z(xk,wk,uk)yk=Y(xk,wk)


where all the variables have their usual meanings, and F:X×W×UX,F:(0,0,0)=0,Z:X×W×Us,Z(0,0,0)=0,Y:X×Wm. We begin with the full-information and state-feedback problems.

7.3.1    Full-Information H-Control for a General Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems ...

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